Thursday, February 17, 2005

It's been a while

Ever wonder why time flies whenever you're having such a good time, AND simultaneously it has this disobliging tendency of speeding up when you want it to slow down? Loads of stuff has happened,but, me not being the responsible blogger and noting everything down here the minute it happens, i tend to "stockpile" it. Now i've realized that i've got so much to type down that i don't even know where to start, much less how to begin. I'm no writer. I type the way i talk; giving little regard for how my words may sound and simply blurting witty sarcastic one-liners (which i used to do a lot when i was little: it was cute then, i'm not so sure if it still is now..hmm.) Well, during this spurt of insomnia (i've noticed that i usually start mini projects in the dead of the night: the same way i registered on friendster, come to think of it) i figured i gotta give it a try. I've been navigating my way around the site and i've finally figured out how to post pics and ta-da! Now there's a statcounter! i'm so proud of myself. hehe. i was never any good at HTML; once during the 6th grade i asked my brother to send me a color chart which i let rot in my inbox..(good thing it's still there though, might be able to use it) As a new year's resolution (yes, that was a month ago, but you don't know this yet so i'm telling you now) i'll do my best to post at least SOMETHING here.. i know this blog seems very juvenile and i'm sure there's some 12 year old who can create better and more professional HTML code than i. Darn brats..

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