Thursday, November 10, 2005


I had a sorta shitty day at university today. Discovered that my profs for Nutrition and Dental Materials are no good. Or maybe it's just my first impression. One doesn't seem to care and the other one may be a terror. Probably one of those profs who don't believe in giving a 1.0 (gotta let those newbie students squirm) even if you deserve it. Hell she'd probably get a migraine or vomit blood if she was forced to fork out 1.25 grades. Guess i'm just venting a bit. Had a bit of a disaster with the dental plaster in lab today. And that was just the first experiment. Hope the others turn out better. Plus the LRT was chock full of sweaty people again coz i left CEU late; had to attend this bullshit meeting for the upcoming Dent Fest. Seriously, not one of my better days.

The demons are cackling to me now, they say i have to read up on anatomy if i don't wanna flunk tomorrow's oral recitation and quiz.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow DenFest!! cool XD me and my classmates are exited since this would be our first time to be hanging out in the mendiola campus..~ it isnt everyday that we get to mingle with other dent students~
who might this terror prof be? i might know her/him :D
anyways... good luck ^^ and we might see each other in the DentFest :D