Sunday, January 08, 2006


I basically started my first day of class with a sore throat and stuffy head. Whereas people around me whom i haven' seen in about two weeks were sporting new hair cuts, bags, accessories, who's gain or lost weight,and whatnot, there i was, sniffling the day away. The next day was no better, and the following day was even worse. I had forced myself not to be absent last friday so i wouldn't miss my quizzes in Oral Histology and Anatomy 2 Lab..I had literally worn my jacket all day. Despite the warm sunshine, my teeth were chattering. My head hurt to the point of making me nauseated and the throbbing simply wouldn't go away despite the drugs. I didn't take any antibiotics, mainly because the ones mama would make me take (erythromycin) never did go well with my G.I.T (always would end up either throwing up or getting the runs) i didn't want the little buggers to build up a resistance against it. No, all i took to nurse myself to health were vitamins, paracetamol, expectorant and general rub down with vicks..and i literally survived on various soups and gatorade. I've even lost my voice. bah. Every night after class i would ignore the old wives tale and crawl into the shower. Just standing there letting hot water pour down on my stuffy head was such a relief. I wouldn't even shampoo or anything for a while. i would just welcome the warmness of the water, allowing it to cascade down my virus plagued body. Then afterwards, after having the quickest dinner of all time, I would crawl into bed, still coughing and sniffling, praying for sleep as my escape. One of those viciously deep sleeps where you are more dead than asleep and (possibly) you drool all over the place, because both your nostrils are blocked and you have to breathe through your mouth.

But hey, waddaya know, I'm feeling better now.


zXxxxXxx said...

have u received the bbw stuff yet gurl?

Zychez said...

hehe~ good to hear youre okay now ^^