I'm kinda proud of it..so thought i'd post a pic of it here. :) All my sweat and blood and tears went into it. heheh. It is essentially made out of the following:

-A clay dentulous (with teeth) cast
-half a set of human teeth
-ivory wax
-pink wax
-red clay
-plaster of paris
it was quite fun, yet tiring to make to say the least. Well i suppose 1 year from now i can look back and laugh at how much of a big deal we were all making out of it given the fact that we're gonna be making this kind of thing almost every other day. This particular Oral Ana1 project was made into a reason for myself and fellow classmates/friends to spend the night at my house. Thank goodness we had each other for support, encouraging one another when we each took turns throwing our hands up in defeat (No no, you can do it,kaya mo yan,not too much pressure now..! oops. Nothing a little epoxy won't fix..) Anyway, the clay teeth were knocked down using a micromotor..we embedded the realteeth and the wax specimens we carved out of wax in red molding clay (playdough-like stuff) making sure they were occluded properly. Next was the pink wax (which we melted with our trusty blowtorches..erm, i mean alcohol torches) and which was used to simulate the gingiva/gums. Once that was done, we made some plaster of paris gunk and slapped some onto the ends which would help seal the articulator in place, so the cast would have a hinge-like thingy to hold the 2 jaws together. Pretty neat huh? :)
thx for checking out my blog. :) well class has started again for me so i guess i will have more dentistry related stuff posted here sooner or later..cya around and eid mubarak..
OMG!! oral ana 1? OMG OMGOMG....i miss those days...XD but im nto planning to go back and experience that XD @_@ i remember the teeth of my cast being pulled off my by prof X_X all the hard work....and those sleepless nights trying to get that pink wax and the ivorywax teeth correct!! @___@ XD and i still failed...lol..
but sometimes summer classes does have something good in store for people...i did learn a couple more things about the subject that my other classmates didnt learn...
..i wish i took a pic of my cast before i broke it down for Prostho1 XD
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